Some items of interest
- Eucalypts – Candlebark (with rounded, opposite and stalkless juvenile leaves), Buxton SilverGum (with bluish -grey leaves) and Victorian Bluegum.
- Other plants included Blackwood, Bidgee-widgee, Pennyroyal, Burgan (very common), Drooping Mistletoe (on Silver Wattle) and St John’s Wort.
- Imperial Blue Butterfly. On the underside of its wings was a bright orange eye-spot and a clearly marked pair of antennae.
- Remnant garden, the site of the original homestead that was burnt in the 1920s. Deciduous fruit trees are the remnants or descendants of the original garden.
Skyline Road.
A stop on the Skyline Road gave excellent views of the country showing the Eildon Dam, Mt Torbreck, the Buffalo Plateau and Mt Buller. The cutting behind on the bend with a road junction showed an open syncline truncated on the NW by a monoclinal fold with vertically dipping beds. One of the sandstones showed excellent ripple marks.