Perfect Cure Nature Trail


Some items of interest

  • Eucalypts – Candlebark (with rounded, opposite and stalkless juvenile leaves), Buxton SilverGum (with bluish -grey leaves) and Victorian Bluegum.
  • Other plants included Blackwood, Bidgee-widgee, Pennyroyal, Burgan (very common), Drooping Mistletoe (on Silver Wattle) and St John’s Wort.
  • Imperial Blue Butterfly. On the underside of its wings was a bright orange eye-spot and a clearly marked pair of antennae.
  • Remnant garden, the site of the original homestead that was burnt in the 1920s. Deciduous fruit trees are the remnants or descendants of the original garden.


Skyline Road.

A stop on the Skyline Road gave excellent views of the country showing the Eildon Dam, Mt Torbreck, the Buffalo Plateau and Mt Buller. The cutting behind on the bend with a road junction showed an open syncline truncated on the NW by a monoclinal fold with vertically dipping beds. One of the sandstones showed excellent ripple marks.


Imperial Blue Butterfly. Perfect Cure Creek Track.

Imperial Blue Butterflies mating. Perfect Cure Creek.
Butterfly photos provided by Upper Goulburn FNC

Eildon Dam from the Skyline Road.