Bird List for the campout

Hoary-headed Grebe        s
Australasian Grebe        s
Pelican                   bg
Little Black Cormorant    bg 
Little Pied Cormorant     bg
Great Black Cormorant     bg
Pied Cormorant            t
Darter                    b
Great Egret               bgo
Intermediate Egret        t
Sacred Ibis               bs
White-faced Heron         bgos
Black Swan                bgo
Chestnut Teal             bg
Mountain Shelduck         s
Pacific Black Duck        s
Grey Teal                 bs
Chestnut Teal             s
Musk Duck                 b
Australian Shoveller      s
Little Falcon             s
White-breasted Sea Eagle  bcgo
Whistling Kite            bfgs
Swamp Harrier             g
Wedge-tailed Eagle        fg
Little Eagle              t
Pied Oystercatcher        bo
Sooty Oystercatcher       b
Masked Lapwing            bgos
Hooded Plover             o
Red-capped Dotterel       bo
Eastern Curlew            o
Godwit (prob Bar-tailed)  bo
Common Bronzewing         gps
Topknot Pigeon            g
Spotted Turtledove        t
Wonga Pigeon              m
Silver Gull               bo
Caspian Tern              bgo
Crested Tern              o
Fantail Cuckoo            bcms
Pallid Cuckoo             cs 
Shining Bronze Cuckoo     bg
Horsfields Bronze Cuckoo  g
Galah                     bp
King Parrot               cg
Crimson Rosella           bcgmp
Blue-winged Parrot        s
Musk Lorikeet             g
Rainbow Lorikeet          bmps
Sacred Kingfisher         b
Azure Kingfisher          g
Kookaburra                bcps
Lyrebird                  m
Welcome Swallow           bfgs
Richards Pipit            s
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike gms
Blackbird                 gp
Eastern Yellow Robin      cgmp
Rufous Whistler           bgps
Golden Whistler           bgmp 
Jacky Winter              s
Crested Shrike-tit        g
Grey Shrike-thrush        bgmp
Black-faced Monarch       p
Leaden Flycatcher         bg
Grey Fantail              bcgmp
Willie Wagtail            gps
Eastern Whipbird          cfgps
Grassbird, Little         s
Superb Fairy-wren         bcgps
Pilotbird                 m
White-browed Scrub-wren   bgmp
Southern Emu-wren (heard) c
Brown Gerygone            p
Striated Thornbill        m
Brown Thornbill           bcfgmps
Yellow-rumped Thornbill   s
White-throated Treecreeper bgmp
Red Wattlebird            bgps
Brush Wattlebird          bcgps
Bell Miner                bg
Lewins Honeyeater         g
Yellow-faced Honeyeater   bcfgmps
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater  f
White-naped Honeyeater    g
Lewins Honeyeater         p
New Holland Honeyeater    cgp
Eastern Spinebill         fgmp
Mistletoe Bird            gbgmp
Silvereye                 bgmp
Spotted Pardalote         p     
Red-browed Firetail       g
Oriole, Olive-backed      cfps
Starling                  s
Satin Bowerbird           gmp
Mudlark                   b
Chough, White-winged      s
Pied Currawong            bgfs
Magpie                    bs
Australian Raven          fgps

  b = boat trip 
  c = Old Coast Road walk
  g = Gypsy Point  
  m = Maxwells Road
  f = Genoa Peak/Genoa Falls
  p = Pittosporum Walk
  o = beach
  s = sewerage ponds
  t = seen. Area not provided.
Contibuted by John Gregurke, 
Rita Mills, Joan Semmens, Ken 
Bob Tate & Wendy Savage.
Bob Tate provided the Sewerage 
Ponds records.