

To learn more about Landcare and the work they do around Australia and overseas, visit the national website-

Highlands Landcare Foundation is a not for profit foundation providing resources and support for a number of Landcare Groups including the UMEC Landcare network-

The Leigh Creek Catchment Group is a Landcare network neighbouring the UMEC Landcare area and operates in central and southern areas of Ballarat-

The UMEC Landcare network operates in the head waters of the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority area-

Advancing Citizen Science through facilitating awareness, information and knowledge sharing in relation to biodiversity and threatened species across Victoria and south-eastern Australia.
SWIFFT is a combined initiative between the community, conservation, education and government sectors-

The BEN Biodiversity Reserves are a network of 50 Crown Land parcels located across the south-west of Victoria that are managed by the Ballarat Environment Network (BEN) and partners, for biodiversity conservation. These reserves range from 0.4 to 400 hectors, covering an array of different habitats and includes Winter Swamp within the Cardigan Windermere Landcare area-

The Department of Environment and Primary Industries manage various public lands and State forests around Victoria including within the UMEC area Trawalla State Forest, Linton/Nawnight-Widwid State Forest, Waterloo State Forest and Camp Hill State Forest-

Parks Victoria manage the state and national parks in Victoria including within the UMEC area Flaxmill Swamp, Lake Goldsmith Wildlife Reserve, Blacks Creek Nature Conservation Reserve and Snowgums Bushland Reserve-

The local councils also manage large areas of public land including roadsides and community recreation reserves.Pyrenees Shire-

Ballarat City Council