Sunday 7in October 2007
Facilitator: Graeme Rigg
The weather was sunny with a small breeze but overall a marvellous day. Six people met at the car park adjacent to the visitors centre and proceeded along the boardwalk and into the surrounding woodlands.
The walk started in a dense stand of Swamp Paperbark and climbed to a more open Manna Gum woodland. The walk was to be a 4 kilometre 1.5 hour walk but due to the interest in the bird life, fauna and flora, together with some good conversation and discussion the short walk of 2 kilometres and 45 minute return took just over 2 hours.
At the lookout point a re-assessment of the plan of action saw the group return by the 700 metre track to the boardwalk that led to the bird hides. Here the group took in the sites and views over the Briars wetlands. The schedule time almost complete the group inspected the visitors’ centre and the long-neck turtle’s display that included some large eels.
The excursion revealed 32 bird species, an elusive koala, a female echidna and some melodic frog callings around the wetlands.
Report by Graeme Rigg