Kaweka Wildflower Reserve, Castlemaine

Vicroads Edition 6: Map 59E2, 628 H4

Location. Turner St, Castlemaine. From the Castlemaine Post Office, drive north (towards Bendigo) and turn right along Turner Street to the park entrance.

What to do

  • walk along some of the tracks through the park
  • follow the nature trail
  • bird watch
  • have a picnic at the picnic tables.

Kaweka Reserve is a a small reserve of approximately 8ha. The land was donated to the Castlemaine City to be a wildflower Reserve. A management committee was formed in 1966. The committee is still managing the park.

The committe has been very active. In earlier times it sought donations of native plants for the reserve, and a wide range of indigenous and non-indigenous species were planted. Now, and plantings are of local species. Many of the non-indigenous have died out.

Weeds are a continuing problem. Theses include ixia, soursob, smailax, Cape broom, hawthorn, angled onion and numerous grass species.

Tracks. There is a network of paths through the reserve.


1: Turner Street entrance.

2: Box Mistletoe is one of two common mistletoes in the park. It is usually on Box eucalypts, Red Stringybark, Yellow Gum or Red Ironbark.